Probiotic Properties of Lactobacilli: Cholesterol Reduction and Bile Salt Hydrolase Activity
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
Among the probiotic effects attributed to lactic acid bacteria (LAB), the assimilation of cholesterol ( 1 ) would be of particular interest for reducing the absorption of dietary cholesterol from the
Fluorescence Fluctuation Spectroscopy and Imaging Methods for Examination of Dynamic Protein Interactions in Yeast
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
Protein interactions are inherently dynamic.
In no system is this more true and important than in signaling pathways, where spatial and temporal control of specific protein interactions is key to signaling specificity and timing.
Hepatitis Viruses
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
A schematic of the major and minor causes of viral hepatitis and the primary routes of transmission of the major hepatitis viruses is illustrated in Fig. 1 .
Schematic of the major and minor causes of viral hepatits and the primary routes of transmission of the major hepatitis viruses
Logical Modelling of Gene Regulatory Networks with GINsim
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
This chapter introduces the reader to a well-established qualitative (logical) framework for the modelling of regulatory networks.
Relying on GINsim, a software implementing this logical formalism, we guide the reader step by step towards the definition and the analysis of a simple model of the lysis–lysogeny decision in the bacteriophage λ.
Electrotransformation of Lactobacillus Spp.
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
Materials 50 ul of L.plantarum competent cells In vitro modified plasmidDNA MRS media + antibiotic Stock solution of MgCl 2 Stock Solution of Glucose Procedure Ensure that the in vitro modification of DNA protocol forLactobacillus plantarum has been followed.
Diagnosis of Parvovirus B19-DNA by Dot-Blot Hybridization
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
The virus replicates in erythroid progenitors, and patients with an underlying hemolytic anemia can experience a transient aplastic crisis.
Anaemia may occur in immunocompromised patients due to persistent B19 infection and this can be treated with immunoglobulin.
Determination of Herbicides in Human Urine by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry With Electrospray Ionization
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
A method for the determination of triazines (simazine, atrazine) and their metabolite 2-chloro-4,6-diamino-1,3,5-triazine by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization (LC-MS/ESI) in human urine is described.
The method may be used to assess occupational exposure to triazine herbicides following the urinary excretion of low levels of both the parent compounds and their metabolites.
Optimization of Proteome Analysis for Wine Yeast Strains
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
An optimized procedure allowing high reproducibility for the analysis of wine strains ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae andSaccharomyces bayanus has been developed and the critical procedures leading to irreproducibility identified.
Each of these steps has been optimized for the analysis of the proteome of commercial and native isolates ofSaccharomyces .
DNA Assembler Method for Construction of Zeaxanthin-Producing Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
DNA assembler enables design and rapid construction of biochemical pathways in a one-step fashion by exploitation of the in vivo homologous recombination mechanism inSaccharomyces cerevisiae .
Here we use the zeaxanthin biosynthetic pathway as an example to describe the key steps in the construction of pathways containing multiple genes using the DNA assembler approach.
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation to Study Protein-DNA Interactions in Budding Yeast
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
The accurate replication and expression of genetic information is ultimately governed by the interaction of regulatory proteins with specific sites on chromosomes.
Preparation of Bacterial Plasmid DNA
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
This chapter seeks to complement them by describing reliable basic methods for detecting and isolating larger, native, plasmids from less well-characterized bacteria.
The methods presented here were developed for isolating plasmids from the Gram-negative bacteriumLegionella pneumophila .
PCR and RFLP Methods for the Specific Detection and Identification of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
The polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ),DNA hybridization, and sequence analysis have been valuable in the study of the phylogenic relationships between members of theMycoplasma mycoides “cluster” ( 1 ).
mycoides subsp.
Determination of Bacterial Adhesion to Intestinal Mucus
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
The epithelial cells in the small intestine are covered by a relatively thick layer of mucus, secreted by specialized cells, which consists of mucin, many small associated proteins, glycoproteins, lipids, and glycolipids.
Sensitive and Rapid Detection of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli Using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
From the beginning ofDNA extraction to final detectionof Campylobacter jejuni andCampylobacter coli , the assay requires less than 50 and 90 min from a colony on selective media, and human feces, respectively.
The LAMP assay is a powerful tool for rapid, simple, and sensitive detection ofC.
Ureaplasma Urealyticum
Time of Update: 2021-02-15
urealyticum, which is named for the need for urea for growth.
Since 80 per cent of pregnant women have a dexalinogen in their reproductive tract, a placental infection can lead to premature birth, stillbirth, or infection of a newborn baby during childbirth, causing respiratory infections.
Study on the Mechanism of Xilei Powder in Treating Peptic Ulcer
Time of Update: 2021-02-14
table 2 effects of tin dispersion on PGE2 content of gastrointestinal mucous membrane tissue in patients (ng/l, x±S) group n pre-treatment treatment control 20 615±12.9 DU 42 edge 49 1.4±32.1 648.8±36.2b Gastric Sinuses 512.7±11.7a655.8±42.2b
Isolation of Parasite Genes Using Synthetic Oligonucleotides
Time of Update: 2021-02-14
A prerequisite for this approach is the exist ence of a minimal amount of protein sequence information, either from the parasite protein itself ( see Chapter 33) or from homologous proteins of other organisms.
It has been of particular utility in the case ofP.
Extracting Regulatory Networks of Escherichia coli from RegulonDB
Time of Update: 2021-02-14
This organized knowledge has been the gold standard for the implementation of bioinformatic predictive methods on gene regulation in bacteria (Collado-Vides et al.
Growth and Characterization of Poliovirus Antigen Chimeras
Time of Update: 2021-02-14
Chapter 22 outlines the construction of engineered, full-length poliovirus c DNA s in which the region encoding a well-characterized antigenic site has been replaced by sequences of choice.
This chapter briefly describes the methods used to generate, maintain, and characterize infectious chimeric viruses.
Bovine Leukemia Virus Ribozymes
Time of Update: 2021-02-14
The disease is common in the United States, where economic losses as a result of the condemnation of carcasses with lymphoma cause an annual estimated loss of $44 million ( 3 ) and reduced milk and milkfat production in lactating cows with persistent lymphocytosis causes another $42 million annual loss ( 4 , 5 ).