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    Home > Biochemistry News > Microbiology News > Effects of Soybean Meal and Fermented Soybean Meal Replacing Part of Fish Meal on Growth of Turbot Juvenile

    Effects of Soybean Meal and Fermented Soybean Meal Replacing Part of Fish Meal on Growth of Turbot Juvenile

    • Last Update: 2021-09-28
    • Source: Internet
    • Author: User
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    Soybean meal and fermented soybean meal to replace part of the fish meal on the growth of turbot juvenile

    Development and Application

    Test location:

    Ocean University of China, Qingdao

    Test time:

    October 3rd-November 3rd, 2014, a total of 61 days

    Test environment:

    indoor cycle Aquaculture, temperature 15.
    3℃, salinity 31‰-35‰

      Test subjects:

      turbot, divided into 3 groups, each group 120 turbot juveniles, a total of 360

      Experimental method:


      fishmeal group: fish meal full price of fish feed

      normal soybean groups: common soybean alternatively 15% of the control group of fish meal volume, 30%, 40%, 45%, 60% of

      the test group

      of fermented soybean group: fermented soybean alternative control group fish amount 15 %, 30%, 40%, 45%, 60%

      Note: The feed of each group is equal to nitrogen, and the feed of the experimental group uses crystal amino acids to supplement the main essential amino acids (lysine, methionine).

      Fermented soybean meal Production method:

      use probiotic lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum P-8 fermented soybean meal with an inoculum of 2× 10 6  CFU/g, and dried after 2-3 days of fermentation.

      Test indicators:

      the improvement of anti-nutritional factors of fermented soybean meal; ordinary soybean meal and fermented soybean meal replaced part of fish meal The effect of feeding situation, specific growth rate, immunity and intestinal morphology of turbot juveniles

      Published article

      Wang L, Zhou H, He R, et al.
    Effects of soybean meal fermentation by Lactobacillus plantarum, P8 on growth, immune responses, and intestinal morphology in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus, L.
    ) [J].
    Aquaculture, 2016 , 464: 87-94.
      Experimental results of the

      effect of soybean meal and fermented soybean meal replacing part of fish meal on the growth of turbot

    Lactic acid bacteria fermentation improves the anti-nutritional factors of soybean meal

    The effect of fish meal replacement on the feeding of turbot juveniles.

    Lactic acid bacteria fermented soybean meal can significantly reduce the content of trypsin inhibitor and tannin resistance factors in soybean meal; fermented soybean meal is used as a fish meal substitute at a ratio of 45%, which is effective in protein utilization efficiency and feed There is no significant difference in conversion rate, and the substitution effect is better than that of ordinary soybean meal

    The effect of replacing fish meal on the specific growth rate of turbot juveniles.

    Fermented soybean meal uses 45% as a fish meal substitute.
    There is no significant difference in promoting the growth rate of juvenile fish.
    The replacement effect is better than ordinary soybean meal

    The effect of replacing fish meal on the immunity of turbot juvenile fish.

    In terms of the impact on the immunity of turbot juvenile fish, lactic acid bacteria fermented soybean meal can replace up to 60% fish meal, which is better than ordinary soybean meal

    (Observed by 200X optical microscope)
    Effects of partial replacement of fish meal with soybean meal and fermented soybean meal on the intestinal morphology of turbot juveniles

    Fishmeal group: high microvilli, neatly arranged, and absorbing cells are arranged neatly and densely

    Soybean meal group (45%): The microvilli were severely damaged or even disappeared, and the absorbing cells were scattered and obviously damaged

    Fermented soybean meal group (45%): The state of microvilli and absorbing cells did not change significantly compared with the fish meal group


    Disclaimer: This article only represents the author's personal views and has nothing to do with China Probiotics.
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    Original Title: Fermentation of Soybean Meal by Lactobacillus Plantarum P-8, Effect of Soybean Meal and Fermented Soybean Meal Substituting Part of Fish Meal on Growth of Turbot Juvenile

    Soybean meal and fermented soybean meal to replace part of the fish meal on the growth of turbot juvenile

      Development and Application

      Test location:

      Ocean University of China, Qingdao

      Test time:

      October 3rd-November 3rd, 2014, a total of 61 days

      Test environment:

      indoor cycle Aquaculture, temperature 15.
    3℃, salinity 31‰-35‰

      Test subjects:

      turbot, divided into 3 groups, each group 120 turbot juveniles, a total of 360

      Experimental method:


      fishmeal group: fish meal full price of fish feed

      normal soybean groups: common soybean alternatively 15% of the control group of fish meal volume, 30%, 40%, 45%, 60% of

      the test group

      of fermented soybean group: fermented soybean alternative control group fish amount 15 %, 30%, 40%, 45%, 60%

      Note: The feed of each group is equal to nitrogen, and the feed of the experimental group uses crystal amino acids to supplement the main essential amino acids (lysine, methionine).

      Fermented soybean meal Production method:

      use probiotic lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum P-8 fermented soybean meal with an inoculum of 2× 10 6  CFU/g, and dried after 2-3 days of fermentation.

      Test indicators:

      the improvement of anti-nutritional factors of fermented soybean meal; ordinary soybean meal and fermented soybean meal replaced part of fish meal The effect of feeding situation, specific growth rate, immunity and intestinal morphology of turbot juveniles

      Published article

      Wang L, Zhou H, He R, et al.
    Effects of soybean meal fermentation by Lactobacillus plantarum, P8 on growth, immune responses, and intestinal morphology in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus, L.
    ) [J].
    Aquaculture, 2016 , 464: 87-94.
      Experimental results of the

      effect of soybean meal and fermented soybean meal replacing part of fish meal on the growth of turbot

    Lactic acid bacteria fermentation improves the anti-nutritional factors of soybean meal

    The effect of fish meal replacement on the feeding of turbot juveniles.

    Lactic acid bacteria fermented soybean meal can significantly reduce the content of trypsin inhibitor and tannin resistance factors in soybean meal; fermented soybean meal is used as a fish meal substitute at a ratio of 45%, which is effective in protein utilization efficiency and feed There is no significant difference in conversion rate, and the substitution effect is better than that of ordinary soybean meal

    The effect of replacing fish meal on the specific growth rate of turbot juveniles.

    Fermented soybean meal uses 45% as a fish meal substitute.
    There is no significant difference in promoting the growth rate of juvenile fish.
    The replacement effect is better than ordinary soybean meal

    The effect of replacing fish meal on the immunity of turbot juvenile fish.

    In terms of the impact on the immunity of turbot juvenile fish, lactic acid bacteria fermented soybean meal can replace up to 60% fish meal, which is better than ordinary soybean meal

    (Observed by 200X optical microscope)
    Effects of partial replacement of fish meal with soybean meal and fermented soybean meal on the intestinal morphology of turbot juveniles

    Fishmeal group: high microvilli, neatly arranged, and absorbing cells are arranged neatly and densely

    Soybean meal group (45%): The microvilli were severely damaged or even disappeared, and the absorbing cells were scattered and obviously damaged

    Fermented soybean meal group (45%): The state of microvilli and absorbing cells did not change significantly compared with the fish meal group


    Disclaimer: This article only represents the author's personal views and has nothing to do with China Probiotics.
    The originality and the text and content stated in the article have not been verified by this site.
    This site does not make any guarantees or promises regarding the authenticity, completeness, and timeliness of this article, all or part of the content, and the text.
    Readers are invited for reference only, and please Verify the relevant content yourself

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    Some of the reprinted articles on this site are not original, and the copyright and liability belong to the original author
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    Original Title: Fermentation of Soybean Meal by Lactobacillus Plantarum P-8, Effect of Soybean Meal and Fermented Soybean Meal Substituting Part of Fish Meal on Growth of Turbot Juvenile

    Soybean meal and fermented soybean meal to replace part of the fish meal on the growth of turbot juvenile

      Development and Application

      Test location:

      Ocean University of China, Qingdao

      Test time:

      October 3rd-November 3rd, 2014, a total of 61 days

      Test environment:

      indoor cycle Aquaculture, temperature 15.
    3℃, salinity 31‰-35‰

      Test subjects:

      turbot, divided into 3 groups, each group 120 turbot juveniles, a total of 360

      Experimental method:


      fishmeal group: fish meal full price of fish feed

      normal soybean groups: common soybean alternatively 15% of the control group of fish meal volume, 30%, 40%, 45%, 60% of

      the test group

      of fermented soybean group: fermented soybean alternative control group fish amount 15 %, 30%, 40%, 45%, 60%

      Note: The feed of each group is equal to nitrogen, and the feed of the experimental group uses crystal amino acids to supplement the main essential amino acids (lysine, methionine).

      Fermented soybean meal Production method:

      use probiotic lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum P-8 fermented soybean meal with an inoculum of 2× 10 6  CFU/g, and dried after 2-3 days of fermentation.

      Test indicators:

      the improvement of anti-nutritional factors of fermented soybean meal; ordinary soybean meal and fermented soybean meal replaced part of fish meal The effect of feeding situation, specific growth rate, immunity and intestinal morphology of turbot juveniles

      Published article

      Wang L, Zhou H, He R, et al.
    Effects of soybean meal fermentation by Lactobacillus plantarum, P8 on growth, immune responses, and intestinal morphology in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus, L.
    ) [J].
    Aquaculture, 2016 , 464: 87-94.
      Experimental results of the

      effect of soybean meal and fermented soybean meal replacing part of fish meal on the growth of turbot

    Lactic acid bacteria fermentation improves the anti-nutritional factors of soybean meal

    The effect of fish meal replacement on the feeding of turbot juveniles.

    Lactic acid bacteria fermented soybean meal can significantly reduce the content of trypsin inhibitor and tannin resistance factors in soybean meal; fermented soybean meal is used as a fish meal substitute at a ratio of 45%, which is effective in protein utilization efficiency and feed There is no significant difference in conversion rate, and the substitution effect is better than that of ordinary soybean meal

    The effect of replacing fish meal on the specific growth rate of turbot juveniles.

    Fermented soybean meal uses 45% as a fish meal substitute.
    There is no significant difference in promoting the growth rate of juvenile fish.
    The replacement effect is better than ordinary soybean meal

    The effect of replacing fish meal on the immunity of turbot juvenile fish.

    In terms of the impact on the immunity of turbot juvenile fish, lactic acid bacteria fermented soybean meal can replace up to 60% fish meal, which is better than ordinary soybean meal

    (Observed by 200X optical microscope)
    Effects of partial replacement of fish meal with soybean meal and fermented soybean meal on the intestinal morphology of turbot juveniles

    Fishmeal group: high microvilli, neatly arranged, and absorbing cells are arranged neatly and densely

    Soybean meal group (45%): The microvilli were severely damaged or even disappeared, and the absorbing cells were scattered and obviously damaged

    Fermented soybean meal group (45%): The state of microvilli and absorbing cells did not change significantly compared with the fish meal group


    Disclaimer: This article only represents the author's personal views and has nothing to do with China Probiotics.
    The originality and the text and content stated in the article have not been verified by this site.
    This site does not make any guarantees or promises regarding the authenticity, completeness, and timeliness of this article, all or part of the content, and the text.
    Readers are invited for reference only, and please Verify the relevant content yourself

    Copyright Notice

    Some of the reprinted articles on this site are not original, and the copyright and liability belong to the original author
    All reprinted articles, links and pictures on this website are for the purpose of conveying more information, and clearly indicate the source and author.
    Media or individuals who do not want to be reprinted can contact us for infringement information that can provide sufficient evidence , Bio149 will be deleted within 12 hours after confirmation
    Users are welcome to post original articles to 86371366@qq.
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    Original Title: Fermentation of Soybean Meal by Lactobacillus Plantarum P-8, Effect of Soybean Meal and Fermented Soybean Meal Substituting Part of Fish Meal on Growth of Turbot Juvenile


    Soybean meal and fermented soybean meal to replace part of the fish meal on the growth of turbot juvenile

      Development and Application

      Test location:

      Ocean University of China, Qingdao

      Test time:

      October 3rd-November 3rd, 2014, a total of 61 days

      Test environment:

      indoor cycle Aquaculture, temperature 15.
    3℃, salinity 31‰-35‰

      Test subjects:

      turbot, divided into 3 groups, each group of 120 turbot juveniles, a total of 360

      Experimental method:


      fishmeal group: fish meal full price of fish feed

      normal soybean groups: common soybean alternatively 15% of the control group of fish meal volume, 30%, 40%, 45%, 60% of

      the test group

      of fermented soybean group: fermented soybean alternative control group fish amount 15 %, 30%, 40%, 45%, 60%

      Note: The feed of each group is equal to nitrogen, and the feed of the experimental group uses crystal amino acids to supplement the main essential amino acids (lysine, methionine).

      Fermented soybean meal Production method:

      use probiotic lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum P-8 fermented soybean meal, the inoculum amount was 2× Lactobacillus plantarum 6  CFU/g, dried after 2-3 days of fermentation, and spare

      test indicators:

      the improvement of fermented soybean meal anti-nutritional factors; common soybean meal and fermented soybean meal replaced part of fish meal The effect of feeding status, specific growth rate, immunity and intestinal morphology of turbot juveniles

      Published article

      Wang L, Zhou H, He R, et al.
    Effects of soybean meal fermentation by Lactobacillus plantarum, P8 on growth, immune responses, and intestinal morphology in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus, L.
    ) [J].
    Aquaculture, 2016 , 464:87-94.
      Experimental results of

      soybean meal and fermented soybean meal replacing part of fish meal on turbot growth.

    Experimental results Wang L, Zhou H, He R, et al.
    Effects of soybean meal fermentation by Lactobacillus plantarum, P8 on growth, immune responses, and intestinal morphology in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus, L.


    Lactic acid bacteria fermentation improves the anti-nutritional factors of soybean meal
    Lactic acid bacteria fermentation improves the anti-nutritional factors of soybean meal


    The effect of fish meal replacement on the feeding of turbot juveniles.

    Lactic acid bacteria fermented soybean meal can significantly reduce the content of trypsin inhibitor and tannin resistance factors in soybean meal; fermented soybean meal is used as a fish meal substitute at a ratio of 45%, which is effective in protein utilization efficiency and feed There is no significant difference in conversion rate, and the substitution effect is better than that of ordinary soybean meal


    The effect of replacing fish meal on the specific growth rate of turbot juveniles.

    Fermented soybean meal uses 45% as a fish meal substitute.
    There is no significant difference in promoting the growth rate of juvenile fish.
    The replacement effect is better than ordinary soybean meal


    The effect of replacing fish meal on the immunity of turbot juvenile fish.

    In terms of the impact on the immunity of turbot juvenile fish, lactic acid bacteria fermented soybean meal can replace up to 60% fish meal, which is better than ordinary soybean meal

    (Observed by 200X optical microscope)
    Effects of partial replacement of fish meal with soybean meal and fermented soybean meal on the intestinal morphology of turbot juveniles

    (Observation with 200X optical microscope) The effect of
    partial replacement of fish meal with soybean meal and fermented soybean meal on the morphology of turbot juvenile fish meal 1.
    Fish meal group: high microvilli, neatly arranged, and absorbing cells are arranged neatly and densely

    Soybean meal group (45%): The microvilli were severely damaged or even disappeared, and the absorbing cells were scattered and obviously damaged

    Fermented soybean meal group (45%): The state of microvilli and absorbing cells did not change significantly compared with the fish meal group

    This article is an English version of an article which is originally in the Chinese language on and is provided for information purposes only. This website makes no representation or warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness ownership or reliability of the article or any translations thereof. If you have any concerns or complaints relating to the article, please send an email, providing a detailed description of the concern or complaint, to A staff member will contact you within 5 working days. Once verified, infringing content will be removed immediately.

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