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    Home > Food News > Food Flavorings News > Jiangsu new phase of food sampling results released 19 batches of food detected agricultural and veterinary drug residues, microbial contamination and other problems

    Jiangsu new phase of food sampling results released 19 batches of food detected agricultural and veterinary drug residues, microbial contamination and other problems

    • Last Update: 2022-11-14
    • Source: Internet
    • Author: User
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    Food Partner Network News On November 3, the results of Jiangsu's new phase of food sampling were released
    Among the 635 batches of food sampled by the Jiangsu Provincial Market Supervision Administration, including catering food, tea and related products, condiments, pastries, alcohol, meat products, dairy products, edible agricultural products, potatoes and puffed foods, fruit products and quick-frozen foods, 19 batches were found to be unqualified
    Fruits, vegetables and shrimp were found to have residues of agricultural and veterinary drugs
    Among the unqualified foods, 6 batches of fruits, vegetables and shrimp were found to have agricultural and veterinary drug residues
    Among them, 5 batches were fruits and vegetables, namely: cowpea sold by Zhao Ruiming in the comprehensive market of agricultural and sideline products on Dongfeng Road, Taizhou City, was found to be unable to meet the provisions of the national food safety standard; Imidacloprid and clothianidin were detected in ginger sold at the fresh supermarket in Yicheng Street, Yixing City, Wuxi City, which did not meet the provisions of the national food safety standards; Ginger sold by Li Haizhong in Guanlin Village, Guanlin Town, Yixing City, Wuxi City (in the Guoli Farmers' Market) was found to not meet the provisions of the national food safety standards; The ginger sold by Jiang Guanglei vegetable stall in Qianqiao, Huishan District, Wuxi City, detected thiamethoxam that did not meet the provisions of the national food safety standards; The high-quality bananas sold by the Peixin Department Store supermarket in Peixian County, Xuzhou City, were found to be non-compliant with the national
    food safety standards.
    According to the GB 2763-2021 National Food Safety Standard Maximum Residue Limit of Pesticides in Food, the maximum residue limit of methylisosalphos in legume vegetables is 0.
    01mg/kg (the limit is a temporary limit); The maximum residue limit of imidacloprid in ginger was 0.
    5mg/kg, the maximum residue limit of clothianidin was 0.
    2mg/kg, and the maximum residue limit of thiamethoxam was 0.
    The maximum residue limit of imidacloprid in bananas is 0.
    05 mg/kg
    Another batch was: Roche shrimp sold by Jiangjiasuo Aquatic Products Management Department in Xuanwu District, Nanjing City, was found to be enrofloxacin not meeting the national
    food safety standards.
    Enrofloxacin is a third-generation quinolone drug, which is a synthetic broad-spectrum antibacterial drug used to treat skin infections and respiratory tract infections in animals, and is an exclusive drug
    for animals.
    According to the National Food Safety Standard Maximum Residue Limit of Veterinary Drugs in Food (GB 31650-2019), the maximum residue limit of enrofloxacin in shrimp is 100μg/kg
    Microbial contamination was detected in 4 batches of food
    Among the unqualified foods, 4 batches of food were detected with microbial contamination
    Among them, 2 batches of mold were detected that did not meet the provisions of the national food safety standards, namely: the Yudai brand Funing cake (cooked powder pastry) (original flavor) sold by Yancheng RT-Mart Commercial Co.
    , Ltd.
    Yancheng RT-Mart Commercial Co.
    , Ltd.
    sells the jade belt brand Funing cake
    produced by the nominal Funing County Yudai Candy and Pastry Factory.
    Mold is an indicator for evaluating the quality of food hygiene
    The number of mold in food refers to the number of mold colonies formed in 1g or 1mL of
    samples after food samples are treated and cultured under certain conditions.
    According to the "GB 7099-2015 National Food Safety Standard Pastry, Bread", mold in pastries should not exceed 150CFU/g
    The reason for the excessive number of mold may be that the raw materials or packaging materials are contaminated by mold, or that the hygienic conditions of the product are not in place during production and processing, and may also be related to
    improper product storage and transportation conditions.
    There are also 2 batches: the total number of colonies detected in banana chips (sub-packaging) produced by Changzhou Want Food Co.
    , Ltd.
    sold by Changzhou Branch of Suzhou E-Mart Co.
    , Ltd.
    does not meet the explicit standards and quality requirements of the product; The total number of colonies detected in the chicken essence seasoning produced by Xuzhou Luran Food Co.
    , Ltd.
    sold by Bairujia Ruijin Road Department Store in Qinhuai District, Nanjing City did not meet the provisions of
    the national food safety standards.
    3 batches of tableware were found to be unqualified
    Among the unqualified foods, 3 batches were catering utensils, namely: anionic synthetic detergent (in terms of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate) and coliform bacteria used in the reproduction cup used by Xianhezhuang Haowei Hot Pot franchise in Sihong County, Suqian City, did not meet the provisions of the national food safety standards; The chopsticks used in Duoyouduo Restaurant in Runzhou District, Zhenjiang City, were found to be anionic synthetic detergents (in terms of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate) that did not meet the provisions of the national food safety standards; The coliform bacteria used by the small vegetable garden Nanjing Catering Management Co.
    , Ltd.
    Zhenjiang Wanda store did not meet the provisions of
    the national food safety standards.
    Coliform bacteria are commonly used indicators of food contamination at home and abroad
    Coliform bacteria are detected in food and food-related products and there is a risk of
    contamination with pathogenic bacteria such as salmonella, shigella, pathogenic E.
    The National Food Safety Standard Disinfection of Meal (Drinking) Utensils (GB 14934-2016) stipulates that coliform bacteria in meal (drinking) utensils should not be detected
    The reason for the detection of coliform bacteria in dining (drinking) utensils may be that the product disinfection method does not meet the requirements, the cleaning and disinfection is not completely achieved and the disinfection and sterilization effect is not achieved, or it may be caused by
    improper storage conditions or irregular operation of the product after disinfection and secondary pollution.
    Anionic synthetic detergent, that is, the main component of detergents such as washing powder, dish soap, laundry detergent, soap and other detergents often used in our daily life, the main component of which is sodium lauryl sulfonate, is a low-toxic substance and is widely used
    in disinfection enterprises.
    The National Food Safety Standard Disinfection of Dining (Drinking) Ware (GB 14934-2016) stipulates that anionic synthetic detergents of dining (drinking) utensils using chemical disinfection should not be detected
    Anionic synthetic detergent detected in dining (drinking) utensils may be that some of the used detergents are unqualified or used too much, and they have not been rinsed with sufficient amount of clean water or reused with cleaning water in the tableware rinse tank or a large number of tableware, resulting in cross-contamination, and then remain in the
    dining (drinking) utensils.
    One batch of boneless duck palm was found to have problems with the use of food additives
    Among the unqualified foods, one batch of boneless duck palm was found to be the sum of the respective dosages of sorbic acid and its potassium salt (in terms of sorbic acid) and preservatives when mixed with its maximum use did not meet the provisions of the national food safety standards, which was: the lemon-flavored boneless duck palm
    produced by the nominal Hanjiang Home Cooking Factory in Yangzhou City sold by Jinzhenya Food Store in Qinhuai District, Nanjing.
    Sorbic acid and its potassium salt have strong antibacterial properties and good preservative effect, and are currently very widely used food preservatives
    The National Food Safety Standard Food Additive Use Standard (GB 2760-2014) stipulates that the maximum use of sorbic acid and its potassium salt in cooked meat products is 0.
    075g/kg (in terms of sorbic acid).

    Preservatives are common food additives that refer to natural or synthetic chemical ingredients used to delay or inhibit food spoilage
    caused by microorganisms.
    The National Food Safety Standard Food Additive Use Standard (GB 2760-2014) stipulates that the sum of the respective amounts of preservatives in their maximum use should not exceed 1
    when mixed.
    In addition to the above products, there were 5 batches of unqualified quality indicators, namely: Shuanghong liquor produced by the nominal Yuxi Rizi Wine Industry Co.
    , Ltd.
    sold by Huai'an Jinhu Hualian Supermarket Co.
    , Ltd.
    did not meet the explicit standards and quality requirements of the product; The peroxide value (in terms of fat) of millet pot produced by the nominal Zhengyang Food Factory in Tongshan District, sold by Xinbaihui Supermarket in Guanyun County, Lianyungang City, did not meet the provisions of the national food safety standards; The acid price (in terms of fat) of egg yolk cakes produced by Yangzhou Fairy Temple Food Factory sold by Yangzhou Century Runhua Commercial Co.
    , Ltd.
    does not meet the provisions of the national food safety standards; The acid price (in terms of fat) of the oil jingguo produced by Suzhou Xinranzhai Food Factory sold by the nominal Suzhou Xinranzhai Food Factory sold by Jincheng Haodu Cai Fresh Supermarket in Jintan District, Changzhou City, did not meet the provisions of the national food safety standards; The acid price (in terms of fat) of toad crisp (Jiangdu square crisp) produced by Yangzhou Fairy Temple Food Factory sold by Yangzhou Liangxin Green Food Co.
    , Ltd.
    did not meet the provisions of the
    national food safety standards.
    In response to the unqualified food found in the random inspection, the Jiangsu Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has instructed the relevant market supervision departments of districted cities to immediately organize and carry out disposal work, find out the flow of products, urge enterprises to take measures such as removing and recalling unqualified products to control risks, deal with violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law, and promptly disclose
    the risk prevention and control measures and verification and disposal measures taken by enterprises to the public.
    Jiangsu Provincial Market Supervision Administration's Notice on the Unqualified Sampling Inspection of 19 batches of food (No.
    37 of 2022) Information on unqualified samples
    serial number Nominal manufacturer name Nominal address of the production enterprise The name being sampled Addresses being sampled Sample name Specifications and models trademark Date of manufacture/lot number Nonconforming items/inspection results/standard values classify Inspection agency
    1 / / Zhao Ruiming in the comprehensive market of agricultural and sideline products on Dongfeng Road, Taizhou City In the comprehensive market of agricultural and sideline products on Dongfeng Road, Taizhou City cowpea / / / Methylisosalphos || 0.
    019mg/kg|| ≤0.
    Edible agricultural products Jiangsu Physical and Chemical Testing Center
    2 / / Yixing Yicheng Street fresh supermarket Room 19.
    20, Office Building, No.
    4 Renmin South Road, Yicheng Street, Yixing City, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province
    ginger / / / Imidacloprid || 0.
    66mg/kg|| ≤ 0.
    5mg/kg, clothianidin || 0.
    46mg/kg|| ≤0.
    Edible agricultural products Nanjing Customs Animal, Plant and Food Testing Center
    3 Tongshan District Zhengyang Food Factory No.
    99, Chang'an Road, Tongshan District New District Street Office, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province
    Guanyun County New Parkway Supermarket No.
    3, Zhenxing Middle Road, Dongwangji Town, Guanyun County, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province (Warehouse address: No.
    3, Zhenxing Middle Road, Dongwangji Town, Guanyun County, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province)
    Millet pot ba 240g/bag Figurative Marks 2022-05-05 Peroxide value (in terms of fat) || 0.
    36g/100g|| ≤0.
    Potatoes and puffed foods Nanjing Customs Animal, Plant and Food Testing Center
    4 Yangzhou Fairy Temple Food Factory Wenchang East Road, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province (No.
    10 Suoqi Road)
    Yangzhou Century Runhua Commercial Co.
    , Ltd
    The northeast corner of the intersection of Shuntian Road and Guangzhou Road in Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province Egg yolks 200g/box Crispy and figurative trademarks 2022-07-12 The acid value (in terms of fat) || 10.
    2mg/g|| ≤5mg/g
    pastry Nanjing Institute of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection (Nanjing Institute of Quality Development and Advanced Technology Application)
    5 Yangzhou Fairy Temple Food Factory No.
    10, Wenchang East Road/Suoqi Road, Yangzhou City
    Yangzhou Liangxin Green Food Co.
    , Ltd
    Room 105, Building 1, Jincui Garden, No.
    2 Pujiang Road, Xiannu Town, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province
    Toad crisp (Jiangdu square crisp) 328g/bag Horse pastry and graphics 2022-07-10 The acid value (in terms of fat) || 15.
    9mg/g|| ≤5mg/g
    pastry Zhejiang Fangyuan Testing Group Co.
    , Ltd
    6 Changzhou Want Food Co.
    , Ltd
    8 Fukang Road, Xinbei District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province
    Suzhou E-Mart Co.
    , Ltd.
    Changzhou Branch
    188, Dongfang Road, Zou District, Zhonglou District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province (Building 7, Taifu Times Square)
    Banana chips (aliquoting) 250g/bag Ngawang and figurative trademarks 2022-05-19 The total number of colonies || 1500CFU/g|| ≤1000CFU/g Fruit products Jiangsu Institute of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection
    7 Suzhou Xinranzhai Food Factory West Cha, East Wu Village, Puzhuang Town, Linhu Town, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province Jintan District Jincheng Haodu Fresh Supermarket No.
    105-113, 119-123, 125-127, 152-153, 155-157, 163, 165-167, 168-173, 175-183, No.
    98 Ximen Street, Jintan District
    Oil Kyoguo Weighing and weighing Hui Xiang Kee and figurative trademarks 2022-05-03 The acid value (in terms of fat) || 6.
    2mg/g|| ≤5mg/g
    Potatoes and puffed foods Jiangsu Institute of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection
    8 / / Sihong County Xianhe Zhuang marinated hot pot franchise store Shop 509B, 5th Floor, Huayuankou International Plaza, No.
    13, Sizhou Middle Street, Qingyang Town, Sihong County, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province
    Refill a serving cup / / / Anionic synthetic detergent (in terms of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate) || 0.
    0314mg/100cm²|| Must not be detected, coliform || Detected /50cm²|| Must not be checked
    Catering food Nanjing Food and Drug Supervision and Inspection Institute
    9 Yangzhou Hanjiang Home Cooking Food Factory No.
    15, Sanjie Village Pioneer Group, Gongdao Town, North Suburb of Yangzhou City
    Jinzhenya Food Store, Qinhuai District, Nanjing M101, M102, M103, M201, M202, M202, M203, M203, B1, No.
    1, Zhonghe Bridge, Yueyahu Street, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
    Lemon-flavored boneless duck paw Weighing and weighing XIANGXIANGDE + GRAPHICS 2022-06-27 Sorbic acid and its potassium salt (in terms of sorbic acid) || 0.
    137g/kg|| ≤0.
    075g/kg, the sum of the respective dosage of preservatives to their maximum use when mixed is || 2.
    03|| ≤1
    Meat Preliminary inspection agency: Pony Testing Group Jiangsu Co.
    , Ltd.
    ; Re-inspection agency: Jiangsu Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute
    10 / / Li Haizhong, Guanlin Village, Guanlin Town, Yixing City (in the Guo Ling Farmers Market).
    Guanlin Village, Guanlin Town, Yixing City (in Guo Jing Farmers Market) Old ginger / / / Clothianidin || 0.
    57mg/kg|| ≤0.
    Edible agricultural products Suzhou Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute
    11 / / Jiang Guanglei vegetable stall in Qianqiao, Huishan District In Qianqiao fruity flower and fragrant farmers' market in Huishan District, Wuxi City (Qianqiao Community) Old ginger / / / Thiamethoxam || 2.
    1mg/kg|| ≤0.
    Edible agricultural products Suzhou Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute
    12 Funing County Yudai Candy and Pastry Factory Funing County Fucheng East Street Tiaohe Industrial Zone Yancheng RT-Mart Commercial Co.
    , Ltd
    239, Jiefang South Road, Xindu, Chengnan New District, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province
    Jade belt brand Funing cake (cooked powder pastry) (original flavor) Bulk weighing Jade ribbon and figurative trademark 2022-06-27 Mold || 240CFU/g|| ≤150CFU/g pastry National Light Industry Food Quality Supervision and Testing Nanjing Station
    13 Funing County Yudai Candy and Pastry Factory Funing County Fucheng East Street Tiaohe Industrial Zone Yancheng RT-Mart Commercial Co.
    , Ltd
    239, Jiefang South Road, Xindu, Chengnan New District, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province
    Jade belt brand Funing cake 300g/bar Jade ribbon and figurative trademark 2022-06-27 Mold || 190CFU/g|| ≤150CFU/g pastry National Light Industry Food Quality Supervision and Testing Nanjing Station
    14 Xuzhou Lvran Food Co.
    , Ltd
    Pangzhuang Office, Quanshan District, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, built a new village Nanjing Qinhuai District Bairujia Ruijin Road Department Store No.
    25-5, Ruijin Road, Ruijin Street, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
    Chicken essence seasoning 200g/bag national 2022-05-08 The total number of colonies || 2.
    5×10⁴cfu/g|| ≤10000cfu/g
    condiments Pony Testing Group Jiangsu Co.
    , Ltd
    15 Jiangsu Yuyi Xiri Wine Industry Co.
    , Ltd
    The industrial concentration area of Tiefo Town Jinhu Hualian Supermarket Co.
    , Ltd
    31, Health West Road, Jinhu County, Licheng Street, Jinhu County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province
    Shuanghong Baijiu 500mL/bottle (alcohol content: 50% vol) / 2022-03-09 Alcohol content || 38.
    5%vol|| 49.
    Alcohol Titanium and Medium Spectrum Detection Technology (Jiangsu) Co.
    , Ltd
    16 / / Duoyou Duo Restaurant in Runzhou District Shop A-E, 4th floor, Wanda Department Store, No.
    19 Huangshan West Road, Runzhou District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province
    Meal chopsticks / / / Anionic synthetic detergent (in terms of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate) || 1.
    326mg/100cm²|| Must not be checked
    Catering food Yangzhou Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute
    17 / / Small vegetable garden Nanjing Catering Management Co.
    , Ltd.
    Zhenjiang Wanda store
    3005, 3006, third floor, Wanda Plaza Indoor Pedestrian Street, Runzhou District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province
    Dinner bowls / / / Coliform flora || Detected /50cm²|| Must not be checked Catering food Yangzhou Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute
    18 / / Peixian buys department stores and supermarkets as you like Chang'an Street, Huzhai Town, Peixian County Boutique bananas / / / Imidacloprid || 0.
    11mg/kg|| ≤0.
    Edible agricultural products Shanghai Microspectrum Detection Technology Group Co.
    , Ltd
    19 / / Jiangjiasuo Aquatic Products Management Department, Xuanwu District, Nanjing Inside the Orchid Garden Market in Xuanwu District, Nanjing Roche shrimp / / / Enrofloxacin || 257μg/kg|| ≤100μg/kg Edible agricultural products Nanjing Gaochun District Comprehensive Inspection and Testing Center
    (Source: Jiangsu Administration for Market Regulation)
           Unqualified product information

    related reports: Jiangsu Provincial Market Supervision Administration Notice on the unqualified situation of 19 batches of food sampling inspection (No.
    37 of 2022)

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