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    Home > Active Ingredient News > Antitumor Therapy > Inventory of 120 clear carcinogens, these 20 most common in life!

    Inventory of 120 clear carcinogens, these 20 most common in life!

    • Last Update: 2022-04-27
    • Source: Internet
    • Author: User
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    *For medical professionals to read for reference only, be careful! In the latest (15th edition) carcinogen report released by the U.
    Department of Health and Human Services, 8 new carcinogens are on the list! Among them, Helicobacter pylori is listed as a definite carcinogen, while six haloacetic acid (HAA) substances used as flame retardants and tap water disinfection are listed as reasonably suspected human carcinogens

    Let's take a look at the latest and most comprehensive list of carcinogens today, as well as those lurking in our daily lives

    Image source: "National Toxicology Program" official website 1 8 new definite carcinogens 1.
    Chronic infection of Helicobacter pylori is listed as a definite carcinogen People have found a variety of mechanisms by which Helicobacter pylori induces gastric cancer

    Antimony trioxide is listed as a reasonably suspected carcinogen Antimony trioxide is an inorganic compound that is widely used in plastics, textiles and other chemical products as a flame retardant

    Workers who manufacture antimony trioxide may be exposed to this substance for a long time at work, and at the same time, it may also be released from poor-quality furniture or carpets, and long-term exposure may induce the occurrence of cancer

    Haloacetic acid by-products generated after tap water disinfection Tap water requires a large amount of chlorine-based disinfectants in the production process, which may react with some compounds in the water to generate haloacetic acid, which has teratogenic and carcinogenic side effects

    There are 6 new haloacetic acids in this report, bromochloroacetic acid (BCA), bromodichloroacetic acid (BDCA), chlorodibromoacetic acid (CDBA), dibromoacetic acid (DBA), dichloroacetic acid (DCA) , Tribromoacetic acid (TBA)

    In recent years, technological progress such as tap water disinfection and filtration can significantly reduce the content of haloacetic acid in water.
    At present, various countries also have standards to limit the content of haloacetic acid in tap water

    Therefore, for tap water, we can use it with confidence without worrying about it! 2 This "carcinogen list" should be kept! The International Agency for Research on Cancer, a subsidiary of the World Health Organization, has compiled and published 4 types of carcinogens according to their correlation with cancer, which should be said to be the most complete "carcinogen list" so far

    Category 1 is a confirmed carcinogen for humans; Category 2 is limited evidence of carcinogenicity to humans; Category 3 is suspected to be carcinogenic to humans; Category 4 is a substance that may not be carcinogenic to humans

    There are 120 types of carcinogens in Category 1 (the highest level of carcinogens), including alcoholic beverages, salted fish, air pollution, solar radiation and smoking that are closely related to people's daily lives

    Being able to stay away from these 120 "category 1 confirmed carcinogens" can help you stay away from cancer

    20 kinds of carcinogens that are exposed to daily 1.
    Acetaldehyde related to alcoholic beverage intake: Acetaldehyde is an intermediate product of ethanol metabolism in the human body

    Acetaldehyde causes DNA damage or double-strand breaks in cells, which can cause cancer

    Ethanol in alcoholic beverages: Ethanol can not only metabolize to produce acetaldehyde, but also generate a large number of oxygen free radicals under the action of enzymes, leading to hepatocellular carcinoma

    Alcoholic beverages: Carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (such as benzopyrene) may also be produced during the production, fermentation and distillation of wine and alcoholic beverages

    Smoking: Cigarettes contain a large amount of carcinogens such as benzopyrene and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds, and formaldehyde

    Second-hand tobacco smoke: The cold smoke exhaled by smokers contains twice as much tar and twice as much benzopyrene as the hot smoke inhaled by smokers

    Smokeless tobacco: including chewing tobacco and snuff, etc.
    , have higher nicotine and nitrosamine content, and contain carcinogens such as formaldehyde, arsenic, and cadmium

    N'-Nitrosonornicotine (NNN) and 4-(N-methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK): two exist in tobacco and nitrogen nitrosamine compounds in smoke, which can induce a variety of cancers

    Processed meat (ingestion): Cured meat contains more nitrite and phosphate, and smoked meat contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (benzopyrene)


    Betel nut: The alkaloids contained in betel nut can damage the cell membrane of mucosal cells and damage the DNA of cells

    Betel nut chews containing tobacco: The cause of cancer is similar to betel nut, and tobacco increases the toxicity of betel nut

    Betel nut chews without tobacco: The cause of cancer is similar to that of betel nut

    Outdoor air pollution: It can easily lead to lung cancer and increase the risk of bladder cancer

    Outdoor air pollution with particulate matter: Inhalable particulate matter such as PM10 and PM2.
    5 are also considered to be extremely harmful to human health and increase the risk of cancer

    Diesel engine exhaust: There are hundreds of different compounds in the exhaust, which have been confirmed to be associated with lung cancer and bladder cancer

    Indoor emissions from domestic coal burning: Carcinogens represented by benzopyrene will be emitted, which can easily induce lung cancer

    Benzopyrene: A chemical found in coal tar, which is commonly found in car exhaust, smoke from tobacco and wood burning, and charcoal-grilled foods

    Benzene: The basic raw material of petrochemical industry, paint, wallpaper, carpets, printers, automobile exhaust, synthetic fibers, building decoration materials, wood-based furniture and cigarette smoke all contain benzene

    The products of benzene metabolism in the human body can lead to the breakage and fragmentation of DNA strands and induce leukemia

    Formaldehyde: Ordinary people are mainly exposed to formaldehyde through artificial boards in newly renovated homes

    Can lead to nasopharyngeal cancer, neonatal malformations, childhood leukemia, myeloid leukemia and so on

    Untreated or lightly treated mineral oil: used in the manufacture of hair cream, hair oil, hair wax, lipstick, face oil, skin care grease, etc.
    It contains a variety of hydrocarbon substances, and impurities such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals may induce cancer

    18 kinds of radiation carcinogens 21.
    Solar radiation: Excessive exposure, ultraviolet rays in sunlight can cause skin cancer

    Ultraviolet radiation: Damages DNA in skin cells, causing skin cancer

    Ultraviolet light-emitting sunbathing equipment: Releases ultraviolet radiation that damages the DNA in skin cells, causing skin cancer

    Zanthoxytoxin (8-methoxypsoralen) with ultraviolet A radiation: In foreign countries, xanthotoxin and ultraviolet light therapy are mainly used to treat stubborn skin diseases such as vitiligo and psoriasis, but it may induce cancerous cells

    Ionizing radiation (all types): Ionizing radiation is the radiation that can cause ionization of the affected substance, mainly including alpha rays, beta rays, proton currents, neutron currents, X rays, gamma rays,

    Ionizing radiation can induce various types of DNA molecular damage, resulting in cancer

    Radionuclides, alpha particle emission, internal deposition: produced when heavy atoms (such as uranium, radium) or artificial nuclides decay, equivalent to helium nuclei, which can cause tissue damage and cancer

    Radionuclides, beta particle radiation, internal deposition: generated when radioactive nuclei decay, equivalent to electrons, which can cause tissue damage and cancer

    X-ray and gamma ray radiation: produce ionizing radiation that damages cellular DNA

    Neutron radiation: Artificial methods release neutrons from the nucleus, which can cause malignant tumors and leukemia

    Fission products, including strontium-90: Heavy nuclear fission produces a variety of radionuclides

    Fission products are widely used in industry, agriculture and medicine.
    For example, krypton-85 is used as a beta radiation source and energy source for self-luminous lamps; cesium-137 is a gamma radiation source; strontium-90 is a beta radiation source; technetium-99m is used in nuclear Medically used for clinical diagnosis

    Strontium-90 is easy to cause leukemia, and cesium-137 can cause liver and kidney cancer

    Radioactive iodine, including iodine-131: commonly used in cancer chemotherapy, but also has a risk of cancer

    Radon-222 and its decay products: Natural stone may contain radioactive radon, and building materials are the main source of indoor radon

    Radium-224 and its decay products: All isotopes of radium are strongly radioactive, and ionizing radiation can make fluorescent substances glow

    Radium-226 and its decay products

    Radium-228 and its decay products

    Thorium-232 and its decay products: natural radionuclides, large-scale earth-rock projects such as mining and tunneling, nuclear fuel waste disposal, etc.
    will appear

    Plutonium: a radioactive element, an important raw material for the atomic energy industry, a fission agent for nuclear fuel and nuclear weapons

    Plutonium easily accumulates in the liver and bones, causing cancer in human tissues

    Phosphorus-32, phosphate form: A radioactive isotope of phosphorus

    Phosphate is mainly used for adjuvant treatment of certain malignant tumors, and it is carcinogenic

    12 kinds of viruses, bacteria, parasites and toxin carcinogens 39.
    Hepatitis B virus (chronic infection): Hepatitis B virus can cause DNA rearrangement and loss of DNA fragments, and reduce the ability of liver cells to degrade other carcinogens

    Hepatitis C virus (chronic infection): The viral core protein is closely related to liver cancer

    Human immunodeficiency virus type I (infection): the AIDS virus, which can synthesize DNA and integrate into the DNA of host cells, causing cancerous transformation of cells, especially when cellular immunity is destroyed and immune surveillance is lost.
    , cell cancer is more prone to occur

    Human papillomavirus: There are more than 130 kinds of DNA viruses, which are divided into high-risk and low-risk types.
    Different types will cause different clinical manifestations

    Among them, high-risk types 16 and 18 are the main types that cause cervical cancer

    Human T-lymphotropic virus type I: changes the DNA of the host lymphocytes, making the cells continue to proliferate and divide, and induce leukemia

    Epstein-Barr virus: A herpes virus, transmitted through saliva, that mainly causes acute infectious mononucleosis

    It is associated with various malignancies such as T-cell lymphoma

    Kaposi's sarcoma herpes virus: A herpes virus that can cause Kaposi's sarcoma (endothelial cell tumor) and primary exudative lymphoma, among others

    ​​Helicobacter pylori (infection): It is mainly transmitted by mouth-mouth, fecal-oral, and settles in the stomach for a long time, which will gradually destroy the gastrointestinal wall and cause gastric cancer

    Clonorchis sinensis (infection): Also known as liver fluke, it is mainly infected by eating undercooked freshwater fish or shrimp containing the cystic larvae of Clonorchis sinensis

    Can cause bile duct epithelial cell proliferation and carcinogenic transformation, mainly adenocarcinoma

    Orchid fluke after musk deer (infection): Infected by eating raw fish containing cystic larvae, parasitic in the liver and bile ducts, causing bile duct cancer

    Schistosoma aegypti (infection): mainly distributed in Africa, southern Europe and the Middle East, can cause bladder cancer

    Aflatoxin: It is a metabolite produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus

    It is mainly found in moldy peanuts, corn, soybeans, rice, wheat and other grains, nuts and oil products, and is the main cause of diseases such as liver cancer, stomach cancer and bowel cancer

    4, 22 kinds of drug carcinogens 51.
    Busulfan: anticancer drug, treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia

    It may also cause cancer by destroying the structure and function of DNA through alkylation with guanine of cellular DNA

    Chlorambucil: an anticancer drug, used to treat Hodgkin's lymphoma, several non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and some breast cancers, etc.
    , it will cause cross-linking of DNA chains to affect DNA function, thereby causing cancer

    Naphthalene nitrogen mustard: anticancer drug for the treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma

    Causes the cross-linking of DNA strands to affect DNA function, thereby causing cancer

    Cyclophosphamide: an anticancer drug for the treatment of malignant lymphoma, acute or chronic lymphocytic leukemia, multiple myeloma, and also for the treatment of breast cancer, testicular tumors, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, etc.
    , interfere with DNA and RNA function

    Melphalan: an anticancer drug for the treatment of multiple myeloma and ovarian cancer

    Works by disrupting the structure of DNA, thereby causing cancer

    Etoposide: anticancer drug, mainly used for the treatment of small cell lung cancer, malignant lymphoma, malignant germ cell tumor, leukemia,

    Acts on DNase, so that damaged DNA cannot be repaired, thereby causing cancer

    Etoposide in combination with cisplatin and bleomycin: a combination chemotherapy regimen, mainly used for ovarian germ cell malignant tumors and laryngeal cancer, etc.
    , may also cause cancer

    MOPP and other combination chemotherapy containing alkylating agents: a regimen for the treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma, with a risk of carcinogenesis

    Semustine: an anticancer drug, mainly used for the treatment of malignant melanoma, malignant lymphoma, brain tumor, lung cancer, etc.
    , with a risk of cancer

    Tamoxifen: an anticancer drug, used to treat breast and ovarian cancer, with a risk of cancer

    Triamidophos: an anticancer drug, used to treat ovarian cancer, with a risk of cancer

    Qu Ao Shufan: anticancer drug, mainly for lung cancer, there is a risk of cancer

    Azathioprine: an anti-rejection drug used in organ transplantation, inhibits the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein, and can induce cancer

    Cyclosporine: an anti-rejection drug for liver, kidney and heart transplantation

    Increased risk of carcinogenesis due to immunosuppressive properties

    Diethylstilbestrol: a synthetic estrogen

    Can cause adenocarcinoma of the female reproductive system and through the placenta to the fetus

    Postmenopausal estrogen therapy: may increase the incidence of breast cancer and endometrial cancer

    Estrogen-progesterone menopause treatment (combination): It may increase the incidence of breast cancer and endometrial cancer

    Estrogen-progestin oral contraceptives (combination): can induce liver cancer and increase the risk of breast and cervical cancer

    Phenacetine: Fever-relieving and pain-relieving drugs have been banned in many countries

    Large doses may induce kidney cancer and bladder cancer

    Analgesic mixture containing phenacetin: used to treat fever, headache, toothache, neuralgia, etc.
    , can cause severe kidney damage and liver damage, and induce kidney cancer and bladder cancer

    Aristolochic acid: Some studies believe that aristolochic acid mainly induces liver cancer through gene mutation

    Plants containing aristolochic acid: Aristolochic acid is widely found in Aristolochiaceae plants.
    Common medicinal materials containing aristolochia include Aristolochia, Tianxianteng, Qingmuxiang, Bone-seeking wind, Guanmutong, Guang Anti-self, Asarum,

    28 kinds of industrial products and their polluting carcinogens 73.
    Cadmium and cadmium compounds: Cadmium is mainly used in the manufacture of alloys, nickel-cadmium batteries, solders and semiconductor materials

    Chromium (hexavalent) compounds: After the wastewater from leather manufacturing and metallurgical chemical industry pollutes water bodies, farmland and aquatic products, it enters the human body

    Chromium (hexavalent) compounds have strong oxidizing properties and are harmful to the digestive tract, respiratory tract, skin and mucous membranes

    Arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds: Arsenic mostly exists in rocks as inorganic arsenic compounds in nature

    Arsenic trioxide is commonly known as arsenic

    Arsenic-containing wastewater and waste discharged from industrial and mineral development, and arsenic-containing pesticides and herbicides used in agriculture are all sources of arsenic

    It can cause skin cancer and lung cancer

    Nickel compounds: can be used in the manufacture of ceramics, glass, catalysts, magnetic materials, electronic components and batteries

    Nickel compounds induce oncogene expression and cancer cell expansion in humans

    Beryllium and beryllium compounds: Beryllium and beryllium compounds are mainly used in alloys and the like

    After entering the human body, insoluble beryllium oxide is mainly stored in the lungs, which can cause lung cancer

    Asbestos: Mainly used in refractory asbestos textiles, water pipes, insulating panels and thermal insulation materials in buildings, electrical appliances, automobiles, and household products

    Asbestos itself is not poisonous, but fine asbestos dust adheres to the lungs, causing lung cancer and mesothelioma in the pleura and peritoneum

    Fluorine-light amphibole fibrous amphibole: similar to asbestos, easy to deposit in the lungs, induce lung cancer and mesothelioma in the pleura and peritoneum

    Erionite: a rare natural mineral with properties similar to asbestos, which can cause mesothelioma in the pleura and peritoneum

    2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin: the most toxic monomer of all dioxin types, not produced artificially, without any use, it is the untreated waste after burning garbage and industrial waste.
    product emitted

    2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran: a type of dioxin, which can cause damage to the immune system, nervous system, endocrine system and reproductive function.
    Long-term excessive intake may cause multiple site of malignant tumors

    Dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls with WHO toxicity equivalence factor (TEF): classified under the name "dioxins", with similar toxicity

    Polychlorinated biphenyls: Synthetic organic compounds, industrially used as heat carriers, insulating oils and lubricating oils

    It can be absorbed through the skin, respiratory tract, and digestive tract, and is enriched in the human body, causing diseases of the brain, skin and internal organs and affecting the nervous, reproductive and immune systems.
    The organ that produces cancer is mainly the liver

    3,4,5,3',4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB-126): Mainly used as a heat-resistant and flame-resistant plasticizer, which is associated with the occurrence of liver cancer

    Pentachlorophenol (polychlorophenol): Mainly used as a herbicide in paddy fields, as a preservative and mildew inhibitor for textiles, leather, paper and wood

    Teratogenic and carcinogenic to humans

    Dioxin-like compounds are released when burned

    4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA): Curing agent for synthetic rubbers and epoxy resins, with a carcinogenic risk

    4-Aminobiphenyl: It is an intermediate of pesticides and dyes.
    It is mainly used in organic synthesis, dyes and rubber antioxidants, etc.
    It can be inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin

    Benzidine: an intermediate for synthetic dyes, long-term exposure can easily induce bladder cancer

    Benzidine produced by dye metabolism: Some dyes may be metabolized to produce benzidine, resulting in structural and functional changes in the DNA of human cells

    2-Naphthylamine: used in the manufacture of dyes and organic synthesis, also used as organic analytical reagents and fluorescent indicators

    Long-term exposure has the risk of developing bladder cancer

    Ortho-Toluidine: Mainly used as intermediates in dyes, pesticides, medicines and organic synthesis, which can induce bladder cancer

    Vinyl chloride: used as a comonomer for various polymers, an important raw material in the plastics industry, and also used as a refrigerant, etc.
    , which can induce hepatic angiosarcoma,

    Trichloroethylene: It has been used as analgesic and metal degreasing agent, and can also be used as extractant, bactericide, refrigerant and clothes dry cleaning agent

    It is associated with various cancers including liver and kidney cancer

    1,3-Butadiene: It is a raw material for the manufacture of synthetic rubber, synthetic resin, nylon,

    It can cause malignant tumors of various tissues and organs such as cardiovascular, lung, stomach, liver, breast and kidney

    Lindane (Hexachlorocyclohexane): agricultural pesticide, commonly known as 666

    associated with breast and rectal cancer

    1,2-Dichloropropane: The raw material for the manufacture of pesticides, insecticides, detergents, rubber and medicines, etc.
    It is considered to be the main culprit of the frequent occurrence of cholangiocarcinoma in the Japanese printing industry

    Ethylene oxide: a bactericide in washing, pharmaceutical, printing and dyeing industries, long-term exposure will increase the risk of leukemia and hematopoietic malignancies

    Bis (chloromethyl) ether and chloromethyl ether (industrial grade): The two are mainly used in the production of anion exchange resins and sulfadiazine drugs, etc.
    Long-term exposure can cause lung cancer

    Sulfur mustard gas: chemical weapon mustard gas, scientific name dichlorodiethyl sulfide, can cause skin and immune system cancer

    20 industrial production processes and occupational exposure to carcinogens 101.
    Painters, painters, plasterers, etc.
    (occupational exposure): paints contain heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium, etc.
    , paints and organic solvents contain benzene and formaldehyde, etc.
    , long-term exposure increases the risk of cancer

    Rubber manufacturing industry: In the production process, there are many chemical additives, and it is easy to come into contact with carcinogens such as aniline, which can induce bladder cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer and leukemia

    Iron and steel casting (occupational exposure): Multiple links may lead to a high incidence of cancer, such as furnace smoke that may contain benzopyrene

    Hematite mining (underground): Exposure to dust during mining may lead to lung cancer

    Crystalline silica dust in the form of quartz or cristobalite: Workers who have been engaged in mining, quarrying, and stone crushing for a long time are prone to frequent inhalation of silica dust and have a higher risk of cancer

    Welding fume: Contains manganese dioxide, nitrogen oxides, fluoride, ozone and other harmful substances, as well as fine metal particles such as heavy metal cadmium

    Wood dust: Contains carcinogens such as wood tar and benzopyrene

    Leather powder: It is common in the process of shoemaking and can easily cause nasal cancer

    Soot (occupational exposure of chimney cleaners): Carcinogens such as benzopyrene are present in soot

    Coal gasification: Dust, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and other pollutants and coal tar, benzene, phenol and other carcinogens will be produced in the industrial process

    Coal tar distillation: Benzene, benzopyrene and other carcinogens will be produced in the industrial process

    Coal tar pitch: the residue after the distillation of coal tar to extract fractions, it is mainly used for the production of pitch coke, road construction asphalt, various asphalt anti-corrosion paints, etc.
    It contains carcinogens such as benzopyrene

    Shale oil: Petroleum contained in shale may cause occupational skin cancer

    Coke production: Carcinogens such as benzene and benzopyrene will be produced in the industrial process

    Acheson method related to occupational exposure (making silicon carbide with electric arc furnace): silicon carbide is mainly used in the manufacture of wear-resistant materials, circuit components, photovoltaic products, etc.
    , and coal tar and benzopyrene are emitted during smelting and cause cancer thing

    Aluminum production: Aluminum oxide, petroleum coke and other dust and fluoride, sulfide, asphalt smoke, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances may be produced in aluminum production

    Production of auramine: Auramine is a chemical used as dyes and dye intermediates for dyeing fabrics, paper and leather

    The production process has been linked to an increase in bladder cancer

    Magenta production: Magenta is mainly used in the dyeing of silk, acrylic, wool and other textiles

    Workers producing magenta dye had an increased risk of bladder cancer

    Strong inorganic acid mist: refers to the mist-like acid substances formed by inorganic acids such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, etc.
    , which mainly appear in the process of acid use in chemical industry, electronics, metallurgy, electroplating, textile, machinery manufacturing and other industries.

    Using strong acid to produce isopropanol: Isopropanol is an important chemical raw material, mainly used as a dehydrating agent and cleaning agent in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, plastic, perfume, paint and electronic industries

    Finally, it should be emphasized that it does not mean that exposure to these substances will cause cancer, but that these substances are high-risk substances that cause cancer, and there is evidence that long-term exposure will increase the risk of cancer

    Therefore, we should minimize the exposure to these substances in our lives, thereby reducing the risk of cancer

    Source of this article: Shanghai Cell Therapy Engineering Technology Research Center Editor-in-Chief: Sweet* The medical community strives for the accuracy and reliability of its published content when it is approved, but it does not guarantee the timeliness of the published content and the accuracy of the cited materials (if any).
    and completeness, etc.
    , and do not assume any responsibility for the outdated content, possible inaccuracy or incompleteness of the cited information

    Relevant parties are requested to check separately when adopting or using it as a basis for decision-making

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