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    Home > Active Ingredient News > Feed Industry News > Global feed production is expected to continue to increase

    Global feed production is expected to continue to increase

    • Last Update: 2001-08-03
    • Source: Internet
    • Author: User
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    Introduction: in 2001, the most vigorous growth of feed industry will be in some major developing countries, because the economic situation of these countries is relatively stable, thus the demand for animal products has increased, such as China, Brazil, Mexico and other countries In addition, the increase in Global trade in products such as meat, milk and eggs has also helped countries with low cost of grain and animal production to increase the production of their feed industries, such as Canada, Argentina, Australia, Hungary, South Africa, etc Based on the above, it can be expected that the absolute figure of global feed production will continue to increase in 2001 However, it's hard to say how far ahead the outlook is At present, a vague indicator indicating the slowing down of growth momentum is the decline of per capita feed consumption in the world In 1998, the per capita feed consumption in the world had been reduced to 97kg / person / year, which was far lower than the highest value of 105kg in 1995-1996, and even lower than the level 10 years ago In 1999, the global per capita feed consumption rose to nearly 98kg, and it is considered to have reached a stable level, which is likely to be the result of the overall improvement of the economic situation in Asia However, the growth of population continues to exceed the growth of feed production, so the per capita feed consumption will continue to decline, and the estimated figure in 2000 is roughly the same as that in 1998 In 2001, the per capita feed consumption will not increase for the most part It is a little comforting that the global demand for feed will be stable in the short term Although many debates will affect the confidence of users in feed and food safety, and the negative impact of the Asian economic crisis in 1997-1998 has not been completely eliminated, the output of feed industry has finally started to grow again In 1999, the global industrial feed production increased by about 1.5% over the previous year, and the total amount increased to about 585 million tons, making the average production growth rate in five years exceed 1% per year Despite the encouraging recovery in 1999, the rapid growth of feed production caused by the rapid development of Asia and Latin America has undoubtedly slowed down It is because of the rapid growth mentioned above that the feed output reached the highest value of 605 million tons in 1997 In 2000, the tonnage of feed production continued to increase, with an annual growth rate of 1%, and the estimated total output slightly higher than 590 million tons In addition, with the increase of specialized production, the value of feed products continues to grow The current situation is that the number of feed produced in the top 10 countries exceeds 60% of the total industrial feed output in the world, and more than 90% of the total feed output is produced by 50 countries The feed for poultry, mainly for broilers and laying hens, manufactured by the factory will still maintain the largest share in the total tons of feed production, followed by the feed for pigs and cattle, the latter mainly for dairy cows However, the proportion of feed products for fish and crustaceans, as well as some minor aquatic species, in total tons of feed production will continue to rise In order to occupy the future market, feed manufacturers all over the world will have to deal with and solve various problems from regulations and users They will face the challenge of "routine business" in the global feed industry, which has become increasingly interconnected The problems of human health and environmental safety in Europe and North America will have an impact all over the world, and have been shown in recent years in the debate about BSE (bovine spongiform encephalitis), GM and dioxin pollution of food and feed It is not surprising that many countries continue to adjust and strengthen the traditional livestock and poultry feed industry in the current situation of slow or no growth of feed production Some food companies have become enterprises with or under control of animal and feed production capacity after cross industry integration They are extremely sensitive to the change of users' food demand, and can quickly adjust feed mix and manufacturing technology These companies, whether individually owned or jointly owned, now have products covering most of the major breeding animal species, including chickens, pigs, beef cattle and cows, shrimps and salmon More and more individual commercial feed companies and cooperative feed companies are more inclined to take the road of joint enterprises or try their best to find professional partners under strong pressure Now, more than 80% of the world's industrial feed is produced by less than 3500 feed processing plants However, the combined output of the top 10 feed manufacturers is less than 50 million tons per year, which is less than 9% of the global feed production Therefore, in 2001, the global feed industry still has a wide distribution of production bases, including many local and regional commercial feed companies, as well as some specialized partners In the new millennium, some specialized feed production, especially aquatic animal feed and various special products, is likely to develop at a very fast speed (author:) share to feed Weibo share to:
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