Purification of Mitochondria from Arabidopsis
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
Plant cells contam different subcellular compartments, which serve distinct phystologrcal functions.
Mitochondria contain their own genome(s), but encode only a small number of vita1 gene products.
Simrlar plastids, the majority of the organellar proteins are nuclear encoded, and imported into these organelles.
How to Grow Transgenic Arabidopsis in the Field
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
Hence, conditions in controlled growth chambers (in whichArabidopsis is typically grown for scientific experiments) differ substantially from those in natural environments.
Performing experiments on transgenicArabidopsis grown in the field that are sufficiently reliable for publication is challenging.
Discovery of Plant MicroRNAs and Short-Interfering RNAs by Deep Parallel Sequencing
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
In this chapter, we describe the methods for small RNA discovery in plants by small RNA cloning and deep parallel sequencing.
Deep parallel sequencing of small RNA libraries is discussed by comparing among 454, SBS, and SOLiD technologies.
Immunocytochemical Localization of Proteins
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
The localization of proteins within plant tissues is readily accomplished using the techniques of immunocytochemistry: the identification of a cell-bound antigenin situ by means of a specific antige
Preparation and Quality Assessment of RNA From Cell-Specific Samples Obtained by Laser Microdissection
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
Laser microdissection is a powerful tool to obtain cell-specific isolates from complex tissue samples. This chapter outlines how to prepare plant material for microdissection and methods to extract a
Selectable Markers: Antibiotic and Herbicide Resistance
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
The low efficiencies of most plant transformation methods necessitate the use of selectable marker genes to identify those cells that successfully integrate and express transferredDNA .
Genes conferring resistance to various antibiotics or herbicides are commonly used in laboratory transformation research.
In Vitro Fertilization With Isolated Higher Plant Gametes
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
Zygotes, embryos, fertile plants and endosperm can now be obtained from in vitro fusion of pairs of sperm and egg cells and of pairs of sperm and central cells, respectively.
Thus, this system is a powerful and unique model for studies of early zygotic embryogenesis and endosperm development.
Simple Cultural Tests for Identification of Agrobacterium Biovars
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
rubi , each species is subdivided into three biovars based on physiological and biochemical tests ( 1 ).
In the past three decades, it has been shown that the true taxonomic structure of the genus is not based on pathogenicity but rather on chromosomal groups that are represented by the biovars ( 1 – 4 ).
Quantification of Jasmonic and Salicylic Acids in Rice Seedling Leaves
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
As collaboration is the key towards rapid progress in science and technology, we are always open to sharing our experience in this field with any active research group with an aim to improve the procedure further and eventually to connect the importance of their (JA and SA) quantitative levels with networks of signaling and metabolic pathways in plants.
Cotton Pistil Drip Transformation Method
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
Cotton pistil drip by inoculatingAgrobacterium tumefaciens onto the pistil after pollination gave rise to stable transformants.
This chapter provides the detailed protocol for pistil drip, a simplein planta transformation method without the plant tissue culture process.
Three Methods for the Introduction of Foreign DNA into Agrobacterium
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
Transformation with purified plasmid can be done with either electroporation or a simple freeze/thaw transformation method.
Here we present three detailed protocols forAgrobacterium strain construction using electroporation, the freeze/thaw method of transformation, and triparental mating.
Isolation of the Plant Cytosolic Fraction for Proteomic Analysis
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
Despite its importance, only a few proteomic studies have been performed on the plant cytosol.
In this chapter we outline methods for isolating the cytosolic fraction fromArabidopsis cell cultures and seedlings and provide guidance on assessing purity for analysis by mass spectrometry.
Analysis of Small RNA Populations Using Hybridization to DNA Tiling Arrays
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
We first designed a control experiment with eightcDNA clones corresponding to sequences located on chromosome 4 and obtained robust and specific hybridization signals.
Abiotic Stress-Associated miRNAs: Detection and Functional Analysis
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small regulatory noncoding RNAs varying in length between 20 and 24 nucleotides.
Moreover, recent studies reported several miRNAs associated with abiotic stress responses.
North port hair tip
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
Shake and fry for about 2 minutes, then gradually lower the temperature of the pot below 100 degrees C, in the pan to fry side kneading, until the leaves roll into a rope-shaped, up to 60% dry when out of the pot.
Detection and Quantification of Plant Viruses by PCR
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
Its extreme sensitivity and high specificity make it an unparalleled technique for the detection and characterization of rare messages, including viral infections that are difficult to detect and diagnose by serology or electron microscopy.
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
To apply this powerful tool to red clover, an important forage legume, a population of red clover with a high potential for regeneration in tissue culture has been developed.
Here we provide a detailed procedure forAgrobacterium -mediated transformation of genotypes derived from this regenerable population.
Selected Simple Methods of Plant Cell Wall Histochemistry and Staining for Light Microscopy
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
Histochemical methods allow for identification and localization of various components within the tissue.
Such information on the spatial heterogeneity is not available with biochemical methods.
Hereby we present set of selected simple staining and histochemical methods with comments based on our laboratory experience.
Discrete Dynamic Modeling with Asynchronous Update, or How to Model Complex Systems in the Absence of Quantitative Information
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
Here we describe one systems biology method, in which the tools of network analysis and discrete dynamic (Boolean) modeling are used to develop predictive models of cellular signaling in cases where detailed temporal and kinetic information regarding the propagation of the signal through the system is lacking.
Role of Vector-Transmission Proteins
Time of Update: 2021-01-14
Virus transmission by vectors requires tight associations between viral proteins, generally capsid proteins, and vector compounds, usually referred to as receptors.
This review will focus on the viral determinants involved in virus transmission.