Surface rendering of the glucose signature brain
Mayo Clinic researchers have proposed a new model that maps Alzheimer's symptoms to brain anatomy
"This new model could advance our understanding of how the brain works and breaks down during aging and Alzheimer's disease," said David Jones, MD, a Mayo Clinic neurologist and lead author of the study.
Alzheimer's disease is often described as a protein processing problem
However, the relationship between clinical symptoms, brain injury patterns, and brain anatomy is unclear
The new model uses fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) to examine brain glucose in 423 cognitively impaired study participants participating in the Mayo Clinic Aging Study and the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer's Disease Research Center.
The model compresses the complex brain anatomy associated with dementia symptoms into a conceptual, color-coded framework that shows brain regions associated with neurodegenerative diseases and mental function
410 people validated the model's ability to predict physiological changes in Alzheimer's disease
The researchers found that 51 percent of the differences in glucose use patterns in the brains of people with dementia could be explained by only 10 patterns
Dr Jones said: "The increased validation and support of this new computational model has the potential to shift the focus of scientific research towards the dynamics of complex systems biology, rather than primarily focusing on misfolded proteins
"If the mental functions associated with Alzheimer's are performed in a distributed fashion throughout the brain, then a new disease model like the one we propose is needed